Community of practice (CoP): a group of people who “share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly“.
The VOAV Veteran Talent Consortium (VTC) is a membership-based Community of Practice (CoP) for veteran talent practitioners.
The goal of this consortium is to bring together corporate veteran talent practitioners for regular discussions, teachings and opportunities to learn from each other and from outside experts for the purpose of exponentially strengthening their practice and expertise and rapidly increasing the speed with which their veteran programs improve and become more encompassing and holistic and drive measurable return on investment (ROI). The members are also expected to share templates, documents and other resources that will help accelerate program development for others.
Download a prospectus for more details and membership pricing.
Corporate membership includes up to 3 people. One person is designated as “primary” and the other two members can rotate during a membership subscription period as needed.
Those 3 members will have access to / be able to participate in:
- Several live open discussions per month (2-3 on average) on topics relevant to veteran talent management (example topic: “Building and Managing Relationships with Transition Centers”)
- Monthly live Q & A with VOAV Team Members on anything veteran talent-related
- Periodic live special training sessions
- Live Interviews with key players in the veteran talent space and with government veteran talent program leads
- Virtual networking/learning meetings for industry peers
- Private LinkedIn group for active consortium members only (moderated)
- Access to a training vault which includes:
- 20+ short modules of veteran recruiting/retention topics that can be leveraged by the company to train its own people
- Recordings of all live-presented items above
Member companies will also be regularly polled for suggestions on desired discussions / interviews / trainings – VOAV wants this community to serve YOUR needs, wherever your company is on its veteran talent program maturity scale.